Our Services

Service Times: Sunday’s at 11:30 a.m. EST

Online Bible Study: Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. EST


Women of Courage

Women of Courage educates women on how to be living examples of a “Godly Woman”. It’s also about Women helping Women and living their highest standards, encouraging spiritual growth and celebrating our progress of walking in maturity.

Men of Valor

Men of Valor ministry is a group of men committed to being fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. The mission is to provide men with the sense of purpose, accountability and fellowship. Also to develop and promote men to be the leaders in their homes as well as their communities. To empower men in Bible studies, prayer and times of fellowship. To promote mentoring opportunities that lead to significant deep-rooted relationships.

WonLife Ministry

WonLife is a biblical based ministry for young adults ages (18-30). Dedicated to help serve, encourage, and provide support by building-up accountable young adults of today in God’s word. Through the means of bi-weekly meetings with topical discussions, topical panels, group activities or outings to events, collaboration opportunities with other local young adult ministries, one-on-ones with leadership, out-reach services to meet the needs of the young adult community as a whole.

King’s Kids Church

The Purpose of MDT Kings Kids ministry is to show Gods love to children. It’s a church ministry for children to connect to their peers and spend time learning about Jesus, worship, prayer, his morals and his standards. Kings kids ministry gives the children a firm foundation on which they can grow spiritually.

Your kingdom come.
Your will be done

— Matthew 6:10